Privacy Policy is a website specializing in providing professional football assessments, sharing information about matches most quickly and accurately today. Here, you can easily track all data such as online scores, match schedule results, soccer rankings and especially free soccer tips. We recognize the importance of protecting personal and system information. With extensive understanding, we commit that all activities of bring benefits to both users and the website.

We consider readers as important sources of information to improve the quality of our articles. At, we collect information from our readers for the purpose of improving the quality of our content. Our commitment is to never share your information with any third parties, keeping our readers’ privacy and safety a top priority.

Privacy policy at

1. About copyright issues

All articles on are edited and presented by our professional staff, and 100% copyright is guaranteed. The content of the article may change over time to reflect the latest trends. We encourage readers to refer to it, but please do not use it for plagiarism or stealing purposes. Please respect copyright ownership and the author’s work.

2. About Cookies

Website uses the most advanced security features available today. When you comment below the article, the system will store your cookie, making it easier for readers to comment freely in future articles. This cookie information will automatically be deleted after 12 months or when the reader logs out of their account on the website.

When you log in to the website, your information is not immediately stored in cookies. Instead, it will wait and evaluate compatibility with your browser. In particular, this cookie does not contain data. If you close your browser, the information will automatically disappear. This ensures the safety and security of readers’ personal information when using the website.

3. Image library

Every article on is illustrated  with sharp and clear images. The website’s image library is invested and built scientifically and thoroughly. If you want to use images from the website, we recommend that you cite “” below each image. Absolutely do not use images with embedded EXIF GPS data to ensure everyone’s privacy and safety.

User security benefits

Readers’ personal information and opinions are strictly stored in the site’s User Profile. Users have the full right to view, edit or delete their information flexibly and conveniently.

Readers have the right to request deletion of their personal information from the storage system. The process of deleting personal information is done quickly and effectively to ensure user privacy.

Comments from non-members are automatically detected and moderated. This helps protect the chat space and ensures that only sincere and constructive opinions are displayed. commits not to provide or sell customer information to any partners. Transparency and respect for reader privacy are our top priorities.


These privacy policies are intended to ensure the safety and protect the rights of both the website and the reader community. The process of posting an article with all the necessary information is not a simple task. We expect your awareness and support to help our website grow and improve.

We appreciate the contributions and insights from our community of readers. This helps us provide accurate and valuable information, while creating a positive and safe online environment. We appreciate your support and understanding and hope that together we can build an increasingly strong community of readers. Sincerely and thank you!

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